Monday, November 24, 2008

Classroom Activity (6): Gestalt principles

For this classroom activity, we were supposed to create 3 images that demonstrates the Gestalt principles.

As such, below are my 3 designs:

Final Christmas Card Design

Final Design (Outer Cover):

Final Design (Inner):

This is my final design for the christmas card. After some thoughts again, i decided to come out with something cute instead of using shapes and colour like my previous work.

Personally i think i like this one more. =)

I used the captions: "are u lonely this christmas?" and inside: "not when you have me!!" becuase i think usually christmas is rather neglected. In singapore, we dont really have the culture to gather together to celebrate christmas, perhaps it is just a public holiday where people get to rest or maybe ask friends out, though it is getting better these days.

Also i think for winter countries, it may well be a lonely, cold christmas as the weather is cold and "unforgiving", thus people usually stays indoors, and feels more lonely.

This Card is thus designed with the idea of sending a warmth feeling to the receiver. To let someone know that he/she is not forgotten during christmas. =)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Greetings Card Classroom Activity

For Assignment 5 there is no class activity, but we have to come out with our colour experimentation for our christmas card design.

For me i just used my whole card and tried changing the colours randomly, not quite following the themes taught in lecture though. Just to try see if something unexpected will happen. =)

Colour Experimentation:

Initial Christmas card Design:
This is my Chrsitmas card which i first did and presented to the class.

The class thinks it's quite ok, except the words and greetings are not very visible. Though the colour suits the theme but the design seems to be unrelated to christmas.

The tutor thinks likewise and asks why i chose to use just simple shapes and lines to do up the card. Hmmm i dont know either, at first i just wanted to do it simply, just with vasic shapes and lines.

My initial thought was to make the star pop out like a small cushion or something and then stick a ribbon to the card or something. but think i will change this thought and come out with another design again instead.

Final Poster Design

This is the final work that i edited. =)

The concept is the same but this time i used a "dying bonsai" to represent our dying earth. =)