Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Poster Design: Save, Prevent, Kill ...

Attached above is my poster for this assignment. I have decided to do a poster to save the environment since global environment protection is in popularity now. For my design i tried to portray an image that the future of the earth and environmental preservation is entirely controlled in our hands by us.

The hand cuddling the small "bonsai" shows my main message, that just how we will cuddle a fragile baby and take care of it, we show "cuddle" the young plant, and preserve the future of our environment. Also it acts as a separation between the beautiful earth on the top in contrast to the destroyed earth at the bottom. I used the caption "SAVE our earth" because i think we should take ownership of our future and place of survival.

I also added a short phrase: "The earth is dying, you and I are murderers. The earth we abuse and the living things we kill, will in the end, take their revenge; for in exploiting their presence we are diminishing our future. Because we dont think about future generations, they will never forget us". Quite a straight forward quote to depict the consequences of our actions to the future generations.

Some of my classmates pointed out that the font of the phrase is too clustered and that red is not a good option for the colour as it is not very visible. other than that nothing was said. The tutor however pointed out that we cannot use internet images, thus i think i had to remove the earth and the deforested picture below. =( No choice, so i had to make modifications to my poster. Also she pointed out that the caption spreaded abit too wide to the edge and probably too big, and suggested that maybe i could enlarge the "SAVE" and move it above the "our earth" for a try to see the effect. Overall, she said the idea of the hand was not too bad. =)

Classroom Activity (4): Talking forms

Our task:
1) Pick 2 words from the instructor.

2) Using basic elements (line and dot) create 2 abstract / semi-abstract representative images conveying meaning of these words (1 image per word).

3) Images should communicate the meaning of the words through form (basic visual elements)

4) Images should use only two colours. - excluding paper colour. e.g.. Red, blue, and white (colour of the paper)

The 2 words i got from the lecturer is "extensive" and "reserved".

Meaning of "extensive":
1. of great extent; wide; broad: an extensive area.
2. covering or extending over a great area
3. great in amount, number, or degree
4. of or having extension

Based on the meanings i got, i decided to draw out a barcode. Just by using lines and numbers i created the image of "extensive". Notice the uniform rows of small lines actually contrast with the thick block/line. Thus that big block expresses "extensive", covering a large area, great in amount and also it is extended all the way to form the "i" of the word extensive which i added into the barcode. =)

Meaning of "reserved":
1. kept or set apart for some particular use or purpose.
2. kept by special arrangement for some person: a reserved seat.
3. formal or self-restrained in manner and relationship; avoiding familiarity or intimacy with others: a quiet, reserved man.
4. characterized by reserve, as the disposition, manner, etc.: reserved comments.

Based on the meanings i got, i decided to explore into point 3. By using rectangles and circles, and the colour black, i created a cluster/group of pictogram guys. Then using triangles and circles, and red, i drew a girl pictogram at the corner, representing self-restrained, avoiding intimacy/familiarity, thus "reserved".

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Assignment 3: Final

This is my final product for assignment 3, after taking the photos and editing them on photoshop. =)

Personally i'm quite happy with the work, and all thanks to my bro (the Ghost), my sis and her bF. =)

So here it goes:

Scene 1:

Scene 2:

Scene 3:

Scene 4:

Scene 5:

Scene 6:
Scene 7:
Scene 8:

Monday, October 13, 2008

Assignment 3: U C what I C

For this assignment, i'm currently re-doing the whole storyline becuase the feedback from the tutor is that generally our stories lack the "twist" needed in the story. MOst of our storyline are too predictable in the end or if not it lacks the surprise or the ultimate twist.

Therefore i actually thought of re-doing the whole assignment. At first my idea was to show very action packed pictures kind of showcasing a hero etc then in the end it was just a FAT guy dreaming in his dreams. A story of a uy walking up to his REALITY.

But i personally dont really liked the story, as i find it "common" or rather lacked the X-factor. Moreover the photos were hard to grasp and take and the visuals of showing a guy as a hero is difficult to portray. So i decided to change it TOTALLY.

After brainstorming for quite some time, i finally came out with a idea that i liked more. The story links more or less to the Halloween that is soon to come. =)

I have developed my idea into sketch ups, so here they are:

Girl came back from a date, and kiss goodbye with her boyfriend.

Girl continues to wave goodbye while she retreats back facing into the lift.

(focus is back facing lift)

Presses the Level 13

Lift door closes with girl in the foreground, and a dark looking figure in the background.

(introduction of a new character)

Suddenly girl notices the dark figure in the reflection.

Girl is traumatised by the ghostly figure.

The horrifying "ghost" approaches her.

Girl faints from shock.

Horrifying "ghost" gives the awkward questionable face, holding a bottle of liquor in his hand.

What the girl thought to be a real "ghost", is actually fake.

The "ghost" just came back from the annual halloween party.

** The photos will be uploaded soon. Also i will discuss this new storyline with my tutor. =)

Classroom Exercise (3): Happening

Classroom exercise (3): We were supposed to go out and find a subject and capture it in drawing, in a way that it tells a story.

For me i drew a guy using his laptop: (focus point will be at the hand)

1) notice the way he stares at his laptop, it shows how focus he is.
2) is he doing his work/assignment?
3) but notice why is he carrying a pen when using a laptop? can he write with that on the laptop?
4) could he be daydreaming instead of working?
5) or maybe it's his habit of holding a pen/he is watching a video clip/show? A visual and not physical task thus explaining his posture or gesture.

Who knows??
**Pardon if the guy looks more like a monkey faced guy. haha.. cant really draw out human features.

Finalised Pictogram

This my final pictogram. =)

I designed this pictogram with the idea to remind toilet users to aim "properly", especially guys. haha.. We do have this problem, not everytime but often??
Anyway, in order to maintain hygiene and cleaniness, i decided to set up this reminder. =) The border uses an unconventional shape, apart from the usual triangle, square, circle etc. The arrow head also denotes a directional attention to direct users to the toilet bowl, which is the main target.
Basically it is so, and i believe the pictogram tells it all. =)

My pictogram CORRECTED !!!

After the disaster in class the other day, i was HIT with another bad experience. That is an encounter with a dirty toilet bowl (stained with "shots" of urine). GROSS !!

Apparently i noticed guys have the tendency to "miss the target". If not they will deliver shotguns rounds instead, dispersing their "shots". As i'm quite particular about hygiene and cleaniness, i was rather turned off, and i believed many others would have felt the same, just that no one is doing anything or at least their part to at least aim properly. Imagine we had to face dirty toilets everyday, even worse when we need to do our "big business", and having to sit on the dirty seat. OR WORSE, we had to torture ourselves to clean up the "leftovers" before we can use it. Maybe we should also spare some thoughts for the cleaners as well. =)

Thus it gave me an idea that i could create a pictogram to be placed in the toilet wall, to remind people to target their destination accurately. I think it will be useful or at least increase the situation or hygiene level to a certain extent.

So below are my sketches based on a picture of a dirty toilet bowl i found on the web:

1st level abstraction: I drew out the toilet bowl in detail and added a scope to bring out the message that is to "aim accurately" and not miss the target.2nd level abstraction: I minus away with the water container and the pipings, focusing on the toilet bowl itself.
3rd level abstraction: From a 3D image, i re-oriented the toilet bowl into a 2D imageshowing just the seat and cover, forgoing the rest of the details.4th level abstraction: I reshaped the toilet bowl from a realistic representation into a pictogram using curves and regular shapes plus the scope. The seat area is highlighted to show the emphasis.
5th level abstraction: Just the scope, to remind the user, please aim!!

Personally i found that i liked sketch (4) the best, and that also it looks almost like a pictogram already. Thus i decided to develop it further and make it into my final product. =)

Comments wise, because i missed the previous critique session, i think i will find another time to consult the tutor on this. =)

Disaster!! A wrongful mistake..

During the tutorial, we were supposed to present our pictogram. However i got mixed up with the requirements and thus came out with the works below:

The sketches showed the diff levels of abstraction of a signage. At first i thought we were suppose to come up with a sign for the NUS community, and then do the same 5 levels of abstraction for it, lastly developing one of it into a final product.

So i thought of modifying the direction signs in NUS. Our NUS direction board shows only general direction and thus not very user friendly especially for "freshies". So i thought of this sign that could point physically to the direction of the place.

BUT after seeing the rest of the works during tutorial, hahaha... I was totally OUT OF POINT !!! So sorry.. Thus i didnt get any comments from the class that day as i SERIOUSLY need to redo my work to answer to the requirements.

<< Representational Techniques >>

After finishing our series of lectures and tutorials on design process and introduction to computer graphics, we embarked onto representational techniques.

For this, we learnt about pictograms, and the study of signs, how to use diagrams for visual communication. Simplicity at its best, i think is what i got away from the lecture. It is amazing how simple shapes and lines etc could be used to represent a message or object or even direct a person's actions.

At the end of the lecture, we were also tasked with our classroom assigment 2, as shown below:
I have chose to use a water dispenser found in NUS and drew out the 5 levels of abstraction.

Original Object: Water Dispenser
Abstract (1): The whole outline of the dispenser plus details of the filter etc.

Abstract (2): Details removed left with general outline of the dispenser.

Abstract (3): Outline is removed, focus is brought to just the two taps with filter tray.

Abstract (4): Only water tap is shown, droplet is added for the retention of its function.

Abstract (5): Just the water droplet, maximum level of abstraction.

Assignment 1 finals

These are the Finals for Assignment 1:

I Love:

I Hate:
These are my two finalised designs for " I love" and "I hate". =)


After all the comments and critiques given to our work, I came out with the two prototypes for "I love SPORTS" and "I hate STENCH", and presented to the class:
Design (1):
Comments: I added in the colours after the last critique session, and also skewed the shape of the logos. Not much comments was given other than someone pointed out that the "Y" could be more obvious, becuase it seems more like a "!". However the tutor commented that maybe i should consider having a background for the design rather than just white plain background. Also she said that all the borders for the letters are too uniformed. i should play around with the colours and borders more, maybe adding shades and shadows etc ..

Design (2):
Comments: "Messy" was the first word that came.. haha.. And i think it looked quite true though. But i thought of giving it a messy look because it will seems like it is something i hate and since the idea is "stench". But still maybe i overdid it. haha.. Another comment was that the letters could be better represented. Colours wise, they say it may be abit too bright since it is a "I Hate", so it should perhaps be more dull looking. Comments from tutor was still the "background", leaving it empty seems incomplete. Borders wise there are variations, she said unlike the first piece of work where it is uniformed.

1st Tutorial =)

We presented our concepts at the tutorial, the 2 variations that we are supposed to do up for each of the 2words (love + hate). I personally liked "LOVE" Sketch (3), as i liked sports, i also liked their brandings and logos, so i thought by fusing the logos to form my name, it will as though my life is in fusion with sports, just like how different logos can come together to represent a different meaning. And also the logos possess a strong characteristic, unique and simple. For the HATE part, i chose sketch (1), no other reason, just simply because i liked it the most.
"LOVE" Variation (1):
Comments: The class generally said it was ok. Just that for a "I love" design, the colour was too dull (black + white). They were right, but i did not colour it because i thought it was just to show the design. My final work will be in bright colours. =) One major comment by the tutor was that of copyright, because i used logos of brands, but she said it was a good idea to merge them (mixing different identities to make one). She also said it will be fine if i could reshape the logos so they will not look like the originals yet without losing ther distinct, strong characteristics. Hmmm.. tough.. But i will try..

"LOVE" Variation (2):
Comments: They had no comments on this. This was a variation of the concept but using logos of sports team instead of brands. Some commented that it looks like a cut and paste and the logos does not merge as well as the design above. And i thought so too ..

"HATE" Variation (1):
Comments: No much of general comments were made other than colouring it. The only problem was that the "A" and "N" was not very clearly depicted. And that the "Y" could be more obvious. But the class prefer this than the design below ..

"HATE" Variation (2):
Comments: This was rather the same as the design above, just that it is not hanged up. Compared to the one above, the class liked the other more. Not much comments as all was said to my design above. =)

Lecture 2 - Classroom Activity

Today we had our first assignment announced, but before that we were tasked with a classroom activity for a warm-up:

1) Select two words:
2) Concept development: Thumbnail sketches of your concepts (4 concepts for each sentence) in sketch book (8 sketches).
3) Present concepts to your friends for discussion and pick 2 (one for each word ) for final development.
For the two words, we were supposed to have one word relating to something we LOVE and the other, HATE. So i chose Sports and Stench, thus below are my sketches:

"LOVE" Sketch (1):

"LOVE" Sketch (2):

"LOVE" Sketch (3):

"LOVE" Sketch (4):

"HATE" Sketch (1):"HATE" Sketch (2):
"HATE" Sketch (3):"HATE" Sketch (4):