Monday, October 13, 2008

1st Tutorial =)

We presented our concepts at the tutorial, the 2 variations that we are supposed to do up for each of the 2words (love + hate). I personally liked "LOVE" Sketch (3), as i liked sports, i also liked their brandings and logos, so i thought by fusing the logos to form my name, it will as though my life is in fusion with sports, just like how different logos can come together to represent a different meaning. And also the logos possess a strong characteristic, unique and simple. For the HATE part, i chose sketch (1), no other reason, just simply because i liked it the most.
"LOVE" Variation (1):
Comments: The class generally said it was ok. Just that for a "I love" design, the colour was too dull (black + white). They were right, but i did not colour it because i thought it was just to show the design. My final work will be in bright colours. =) One major comment by the tutor was that of copyright, because i used logos of brands, but she said it was a good idea to merge them (mixing different identities to make one). She also said it will be fine if i could reshape the logos so they will not look like the originals yet without losing ther distinct, strong characteristics. Hmmm.. tough.. But i will try..

"LOVE" Variation (2):
Comments: They had no comments on this. This was a variation of the concept but using logos of sports team instead of brands. Some commented that it looks like a cut and paste and the logos does not merge as well as the design above. And i thought so too ..

"HATE" Variation (1):
Comments: No much of general comments were made other than colouring it. The only problem was that the "A" and "N" was not very clearly depicted. And that the "Y" could be more obvious. But the class prefer this than the design below ..

"HATE" Variation (2):
Comments: This was rather the same as the design above, just that it is not hanged up. Compared to the one above, the class liked the other more. Not much comments as all was said to my design above. =)

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