Wednesday, October 8, 2008

And it Works.. haha.. =)

Alrite, and it WORKED out fine.. This is my very first blog so pardon that I had to figure out everything by doing some trials and errors here and there. =)

I was never really into blogging, if not for this module, NM 2208, i would not have started this blog. haha.. But anyway, so sorry that all my works and designs are not up yet. Too busy to update my blog?? These are excuses.. haha.. Actually, I’m still living in the state of denial..

But now our tutor had kindly reminded us that by this Friday, 10th October, she will start to check our blogs. And if she finds out that it's still empty, she will most probably send us a "love email" to get our butts moving.

In order not to affect my grades and get the "love letter", i have decided to kick start my engine at last.

The postings of my designs will be up soon.. =) Sorry for the delay.

And please feel free to leave any comments on the postings as well so i can still improve on the designs before the very final finalised port folio that we all had to hand in..

Lastly, thanks for reading, and have a nice day ahead !! =)

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