Monday, October 13, 2008

My pictogram CORRECTED !!!

After the disaster in class the other day, i was HIT with another bad experience. That is an encounter with a dirty toilet bowl (stained with "shots" of urine). GROSS !!

Apparently i noticed guys have the tendency to "miss the target". If not they will deliver shotguns rounds instead, dispersing their "shots". As i'm quite particular about hygiene and cleaniness, i was rather turned off, and i believed many others would have felt the same, just that no one is doing anything or at least their part to at least aim properly. Imagine we had to face dirty toilets everyday, even worse when we need to do our "big business", and having to sit on the dirty seat. OR WORSE, we had to torture ourselves to clean up the "leftovers" before we can use it. Maybe we should also spare some thoughts for the cleaners as well. =)

Thus it gave me an idea that i could create a pictogram to be placed in the toilet wall, to remind people to target their destination accurately. I think it will be useful or at least increase the situation or hygiene level to a certain extent.

So below are my sketches based on a picture of a dirty toilet bowl i found on the web:

1st level abstraction: I drew out the toilet bowl in detail and added a scope to bring out the message that is to "aim accurately" and not miss the target.2nd level abstraction: I minus away with the water container and the pipings, focusing on the toilet bowl itself.
3rd level abstraction: From a 3D image, i re-oriented the toilet bowl into a 2D imageshowing just the seat and cover, forgoing the rest of the details.4th level abstraction: I reshaped the toilet bowl from a realistic representation into a pictogram using curves and regular shapes plus the scope. The seat area is highlighted to show the emphasis.
5th level abstraction: Just the scope, to remind the user, please aim!!

Personally i found that i liked sketch (4) the best, and that also it looks almost like a pictogram already. Thus i decided to develop it further and make it into my final product. =)

Comments wise, because i missed the previous critique session, i think i will find another time to consult the tutor on this. =)

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